**Last Call!**
I will be hosting one final cooking class on Southern Italy in August, so email me now to reserve a space!
This class will focus on Southern Italian foods and cultural foodways, which I learned a lot about while in Naples, Sorrento, and Sicily this spring. Instead of cooking for today though, I am throwing in some whimsy from the trip...
This is my favorite -- such a dramatic scene! I picture an acting out of the Romeo and Juliet balcony lines (this is in the vicinity of Verona, after all), but I'm pretty sure it's just another lazy dog.
This one, poor dear, I saw in a back alley of Pozzuoli, I think behind a hairdresser's, as a matter of fact. I tried to snap the photo before the dog could turn its mournful eyes on me and entreat me to leave it some dignity.
Finally, crossing a busy street in Naples, I had to move fast to catch this crowd! I can't think that he's a dogwalker with that preppy sweater placement, but do you think they could really be all his dogs? Perhaps we've found the equivalent of the Crazy Cat Lady...
I do love finding the quirky 'side dishes' of travel: those unexpected humorous moments can be what you remember years down the line, laughing until you cry with those you love (remember that fish in the buffet at the Grand Canyon, Dad?).
So remember, it's fine to have goals -- sights to see, places to dine -- but don't forget to stop and take in what the city or country is putting right in front of you for your enjoyment!
Happy summer travels, readers, and don't forget to sign up or spread the word about the last class in August!
Ooh how cool! If I lived anywhere near you, I'd totally come :)