I've done it again! My crazy mix of organizing recipes via Google Reader, an email folder, a web browser folder of bookmarks, and scattered among a few dozen cookbooks and a scrap recipe book-- the system has produced a completely new recipe!

Or at least a recipe that I didn't get from someone else. I used Mark Bittman's
broiled sardines as an inspiration (SARDINES! APOCALYPSE!) and looked to an old favorite from Pink of Perfection:
Sweet and Spicy Cauliflower Penne, which turned out to have anchovies, not sardines. And Bittman's had fresh sardines, not canned ones like I had in the pantry. So on to Bittman number two:
Sardines with Bread Crumbs and Parsley. But I don't kep parsley around and my window plant is not healthy enough for a harvest. Are we seeing a pattern here?
Anyway. Sardines. Mark says that his Bread Crumbs and Parsley dish is Sicilian. I think I will call everything I make with sardines "Sicilian." Sounds better, right?
Squire, Squire, 'Ackham, and 'old on!
And, wonder of wonders, I made a pasta dish without garlic- incredible, I know, but TRUE.
Here's my list of of what went in, in the order it went in:
olive oil, sourdough bread crumbs
olive oil, onion, salt n pepa, white wine, lemon zest, canned tomatoes, mustarded sardines (from World Market)
macaroni noodles
Now for a special challenge, try to make it from there! :-)
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