The first is the product of the lovely farmer's market cauliflower- purple was called "graffiti" and yellow I can't remember, but it was fun and different and delicious roasted with oil and salt, as the Brownie Points blog author recommends.
The second is also a product of the farmer's market- hey, I am not the make-your-own pasta type of gal, because I don't have the make-your-own-pasta type kitchen (i.e. it's got no counter space). But I bought the bacon sage fresh ravioli from Smith Meadows Kitchen, where the ladies were very nice and gave me some advice about making pesto substitutions, like if you're going to experiment with something non-basil, like radish greens, you need to add parsley for an herby taste, since radish greens are pretty bitter. Oh, and I didn't have nearly enough oil. I may be oil-phobic when it comes to that food processor, hmm...
but I forgot- it was a mix! The ravioli was from the market, but I added toasted pignolas and my very own radish-green pesto, since I thought a little with oil would be sweetened with the herbs inside the ravioli. I was right- very tasty!
The third photo is my came-home-wanted-something-fresh, and oh by the way, use up one of the tomatoes and the Kirby cucumber going soft! So I purposefully bought a container of white cheese at Whole Foods, going with a France import over some Easter European country for my first foray. Then I thought artichokes would go great. Then I added pignolas I already had because they seemed Mediterranean and in the right direction. Some salt and pepper (because everyone seems to do that) and then one leftover breakfast sausage (again, farmer's market!), and I had a full, fresh meal. Yum! So yum! that I had to do a remix last night, with some baked beans and toast added (on the SIDE, silly)- baked beans, very good, from Chatman's D'Vine Bakery a block away from my house, and sourdough from Atwater's Bakery at... you guessed it, the farmer's market.
I love what you do for me, Farmer's Market!
And NEXT post will be on the wintery night out on the town, I promise.
I like the last salad. Reminds me of my left-over dishes :-)