So now that I've gotten the hang of uploading photos here (i.e. have found that after 2 minutes or so, they actually do load), here are some more I've been dying to share. As you know, one of my goals has been experimenting in cooking, and the following are 2 recipes I tried recently:
Ok, did I say I had learned my way around loading pictures? Nevermind. We'll see what different formatting does. Anyway, this is parsnip and tomato casserole, with lots of cream! Something I usually don't stand for, but something I loved to sit down for, in this case! With recipe picture- what do you think- how does it compare? :o) I do still use recipes, but almost always end up substituting or fudging a few ingredients because of the cooking process or the disinclination to go to the store once again, etc.
And so finally, my wonderful breakfast this morning. One thing I will miss a lot about going back to work is the relaxed pace in the morning. I make steel-cut oatmeal, which takes about 25 minutes on the stove, and it is so filling and comforting and nutritious! (-feeling, anyway). This morning, I put in chopped dried apricots, raisins, cinnamon sugar, sesame seeds, and flaxseed bran. Oh, and sliced fresh ginger. Definitely good for standing over and getting a facial. ;-)
Oh, and shame on me for forgetting:
Don't forget to vote! For Obama!
I voted for Obama! Heather asked me if I 'won'. They voted for recess or stuffed animal day in her class and she was 'outvoted' so she felt for me in the whole voting thing. She was happy we 'won'!
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed that you cook for yourself so often. When I was in the habit of eating by myself, I would eat frozen meals, or default to stir-fry. I will be trying some of those recipes, and that yogurt bread recipe you sent me, too!
ReplyDeleteP.S. That steel-cut oatmeal is definitely worth the wait. And with all those fixin's....I usually slice a banana or apples into the pot as I'm boiling the oatmeal, and flaxseed meal as well. Then I crumble walnuts in, or even trail mix. I think you and my mom are the only ones who get as excited about oatmeal as I do.
ReplyDeleteOooh the fixings on your oatmeal- you can fix me breakfast anytime. I'll be making oatmeal tomorrow [although quicker than 25 mins] and I have pretty much all the fixings you listed...
ReplyDeleteThe food looks great- the top one looks exactly like the cookbook picture that it is almost errie ;) ...