"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection," Anais Nin Writing, Cooking, Traveling, and Tasting Life
Sunday, November 23, 2008
High Times
And, as is common in my life, we swing from high to low and back to high again. I got a job offer at what looks like a terrific firm, with what appear to be terrific people, with a terrific mission! Check it out here: http://www.keystone.org/spp/index.html or settle for my simplified version: a firm that researches complex policy issues in the energy, environment, and health sectors, convenes stakeholders to discuss these issues and hammer out workable solutions to become policy proposals in Congress. Basically, it's trying to get people face-to-face to be productive and find solutions, instead of waiting until they're across a table of discord, with lawyers at hand to lobby policymakers and throw money at them to get their way. Conflict mediation with the goal of consensual solutions. Hmm... see the site for examples. I will be focusing on energy and climate issues, in the DC office. YAY! The search is OVER! I start Dec 3rd. :-)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Truth in Cookery
So now that I've gotten the hang of uploading photos here (i.e. have found that after 2 minutes or so, they actually do load), here are some more I've been dying to share. As you know, one of my goals has been experimenting in cooking, and the following are 2 recipes I tried recently:
Ok, did I say I had learned my way around loading pictures? Nevermind. We'll see what different formatting does. Anyway, this is parsnip and tomato casserole, with lots of cream! Something I usually don't stand for, but something I loved to sit down for, in this case! With recipe picture- what do you think- how does it compare? :o) I do still use recipes, but almost always end up substituting or fudging a few ingredients because of the cooking process or the disinclination to go to the store once again, etc.
And so finally, my wonderful breakfast this morning. One thing I will miss a lot about going back to work is the relaxed pace in the morning. I make steel-cut oatmeal, which takes about 25 minutes on the stove, and it is so filling and comforting and nutritious! (-feeling, anyway). This morning, I put in chopped dried apricots, raisins, cinnamon sugar, sesame seeds, and flaxseed bran. Oh, and sliced fresh ginger. Definitely good for standing over and getting a facial. ;-)
Oh, and shame on me for forgetting:
Don't forget to vote! For Obama!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wet Ingredients
Hey! I know, I know, I just posted yesterday, but that was just mixing the dry ingredients. Now for the eggs, butter, and milk! Haha... I have had a much better run for the last few days, so I think the funk of last week is over. I got my new month calendar started, sent out some job emails, had an Exercise Sampler this morning, dressed up, and am just in general feeling better in my skin. Maybe it has something to do with dancing to Big n Rich's Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy song from YouTube...
I also have a new motivation for keeping tabs on paper piles- those little creepy crawlers that loooove to live in paper piles! That's right, house centipedes. Icky, rapid-moving creatures with too many legs. So at last, I may have to frame the Amelie poster and hang it, instead of leaving it ... in a pile. ;o)
Ok, so here's your update on apartment. Bear in mind, a few things are awaiting collection from Freecycle people or Craig's List-ers, so it's a little more 'stuffed' than I'd like.

Bedroom, including organized filing system! That took a half a day.

Bathroom and Mini-hallway again. However, when the lovely wingback chairs (which I got for free) are moved out (hoping for this weekend), this loveseat will go in the living room, instead of sideways in the hallway. Much more room that way.

Living room, with a view of my 'front door' (in quotes because it opens up into an interior hallway of the building), and living room with view through to the kitchen.

And here is the kitchen! Cozy and warm (for the heater and the oven are both in here, unfortunately) and fairly organized...
And just for fun, here are the 2 wingback chairs I got for free that will be leaving this weekend, to make room for ... me! :o) Quite the antique, and I do like wingbacks, but it was quite dingy and it was just too much for the little living room that could(n't).
I also have a new motivation for keeping tabs on paper piles- those little creepy crawlers that loooove to live in paper piles! That's right, house centipedes. Icky, rapid-moving creatures with too many legs. So at last, I may have to frame the Amelie poster and hang it, instead of leaving it ... in a pile. ;o)
Ok, so here's your update on apartment. Bear in mind, a few things are awaiting collection from Freecycle people or Craig's List-ers, so it's a little more 'stuffed' than I'd like.
Bedroom, including organized filing system! That took a half a day.
Bathroom and Mini-hallway again. However, when the lovely wingback chairs (which I got for free) are moved out (hoping for this weekend), this loveseat will go in the living room, instead of sideways in the hallway. Much more room that way.
Living room, with a view of my 'front door' (in quotes because it opens up into an interior hallway of the building), and living room with view through to the kitchen.
And here is the kitchen! Cozy and warm (for the heater and the oven are both in here, unfortunately) and fairly organized...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New Statistical Progress
So October is at an end and now I can tabulate (inner nerd rejoices) my success rate for my 5-a-day goals...
Exercise: 48%
Cooking: 45%
Job search: 39%
Social Activity: 58%
De-clutter: 42%
Not to sound like I'm weasling out of high-scoring, but... I am not daunted by the low percentages. The goal was to get going on all these goals at the same time, and I have developed my skills in each area. I would say job face-to-face interaction and exercise need the most help. So if you have good suggestions in these areas, or would like to help, please do drop me a line! :-)
Exercise: 48%
Cooking: 45%
Job search: 39%
Social Activity: 58%
De-clutter: 42%
Not to sound like I'm weasling out of high-scoring, but... I am not daunted by the low percentages. The goal was to get going on all these goals at the same time, and I have developed my skills in each area. I would say job face-to-face interaction and exercise need the most help. So if you have good suggestions in these areas, or would like to help, please do drop me a line! :-)
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