"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection," Anais Nin Writing, Cooking, Traveling, and Tasting Life
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Family Visit
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dinner Party!
I'd give the pasta a 7/10 (but maybe that's because I had to eat the rest of the pound of pasta for the next week), the galette a 9 (good crust), and the greens an 8.
Oh! And how could I forget- I made gingerbread! That's what's in that picture up above with the box of dry pasta. For this I had to get a special ingredient which I didn't have on hand- can you guess??
Molasses! Yum. The gingerbread came out really well, I thought, but then it was the first time I'd either eaten or made homemade gingerbread, so we'll give it a qualified 9.5. ;-)
And oh yes, I made Saqib wash the dishes with only half a sponge. He signaled his displeasure. Jess was much in much better spirits about the whole thing.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
If ever there was soup weather...
Wow. More than a week of temps in the 20s, "Feels Like" the Teens... I thought this recipe would be perfect: Rustic Cabbage Soup, from 101 Cookbooks.
Something about the sound of "cabbage soup" has me thinking, "peasant fare," in a way that "cabbage rose wallpaper" just doesn't. And it delivers. Warms you up and keeps you full long enough to visit the farmer's market, round out the list at the grocery store, browse at the used bookstore, and pick up some scrap wood to fix a sagging closet shelf. And then fix the shelf. Yes, that was my schedule this morning. I know I should really stop with all that glamour stuff- is it making you feel bad? Sorry...
And plus, I had gotten cabbage and needed to use it. I think the original purpose involved a California-type Napa cabbage salad, but after the last couple weeks, soup just sounds so much more appealing, doesn't it?